Video Descriptions, Trailers & Scripts Elementary School Curriculum Overview Middle School Curriculum Overview High School Curriculum Overview

Video Descriptions, Trailers & Scripts


Program Summary
An easy-going tone is quickly set for this age level by capturing the students’ attention early in the presentation with an animated video.  Afterwards, the points introduced in the video are reinforced, and Joe and Suzy dolls provide a visual aid.  Children are encouraged to take home a coloring book to discuss what they learned with family.

Video description
Tick Tock is a friendly watchdog whose alarm clock goes off when he senses danger. While watching his owner and friend play soccer, Tick Tock teaches them about the three kinds of touch and three part safety rule. The video provides visual reinforcement of the concepts presented in the interactive presentation.

Joe & Suzy dolls
The 12” dolls wear bathing suits under their clothes, and are utilized in the script when talking about “private parts” being the parts of our bodies covered by a bathing suit.

Coloring books (English and Spanish available)
Help to reiterate the 3 kinds of touch and remind children to use the 3-part safety rule. The coloring books can help facilitate the conversation at home between children and their parents/caregivers.

Scripted presentation and video are 30 minutes total.


Program Summary
The program expounds upon the Pre-K message with an interactive discussion on safety rules. Concepts such as “strangers” are defined and students name trusted adults that they could talk to if they had a problem. Students learn that there are some times when there’s a REASON for touching, and those situations are not secret, and are okay.  Joe and Suzy dolls and coloring books boost the message.

Video description
Tick Tock the watchdog returns with the same messages as in the Pre-K video with slightly more mature language, additional characters, and summertime fun. The video provides visual reinforcement of the concepts presented in the interactive presentation.

Joe & Suzy dolls
The 12” dolls wear bathing suits under their clothes, and are utilized in the script when talking about “private parts” being the parts of our bodies covered by a bathing suit.

Coloring books (English and Spanish available)
Help to reiterate the 3 kinds of touch and remind children to use the 3-part safety rule. The coloring books can help facilitate the conversation at home between children and their parents/caregivers.

Scripted presentation and video are 45-60 minutes total.

1st Grade

Program Summary
Storytelling and the use of Joe & Suzy dolls further expound upon the Play it Safe!® concepts. Interspersed in these scripted stories are scenarios which help children process what action they could take, or how a character might feel. Stories portray the difference between discipline and unsafe touch, and coloring books reinforce this message.

Video description
Mae is spending the summer with Grandpa, and shares her secret about her mom’s boyfriend. In this program children are taught to never keep a secret when it’s not safe.

Joe & Suzy dolls
The 12” dolls wear bathing suits under their clothes, and are utilized in the script when talking about “private parts” being the parts of our bodies covered by a bathing suit.

Coloring books (English and Spanish available)
Help to reiterate the 3 kinds of touch and remind children to use the 3-part safety rule. The coloring books can help facilitate the conversation at home between children and their parents/caregivers.

Scripted presentation and video are 45-60 minutes total.

2nd Grade

Program Summary
Because the message is delivered through humor in the video, the curriculum increases student interaction through questions & information processing to ensure comprehension of this important message.  Joe and Suzy dolls are used once again to emphasize the message.    

Video description
Bentley Brockford is a student with spunk who is making a video about child safety with his best friend Goob. In the style of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, this film offers humor to teach risk reduction.

Scripted presentation and video are 45-60 minutes total.

3rd Grade

Program Summary
In addition to the basic premise, internet safety is addressed as well as what it means to give out “personal information”. Additionally, the concepts of “taking advantage” of someone and bullying are explored. Discussion includes how difficult it can be when someone you care about asks you to keep a secret that you don’t want to keep, and how telling a trusted adult is the right thing to do.

Video description
Humor is a huge part of this video with Baby Professor – a genius who helps Mia and Marcus with their secrets. Children learn they can get help by telling a trusted adult.

Scripted presentation and video are 45-60 minutes total.

4th Grade

Program Summary
Recognizing a slight shift in maturation of 4th graders, internet safety is more deeply examined. Discussion addresses how gaming with or meeting someone online might feel safe when that person appears to have the very same interests. However, it’s still a stranger, and caution should be taken just as if meeting a stranger in person. Taking safe action as a bystander to bullying is also introduced. 

Video description
Chase loves baseball, but he is tormented by the secret that someone close is abusing him. With the help of his coach, Chase understands he can step up and tell.

Scripted presentation and video are 45-60 minutes total.

5th Grade

Program Summary
Internet safety further examines how someone can pretend to be someone they’re not, even through photos and video.The safety rule can be adapted when there are confusing or potentially threatening online situations. By knowing what’s okay and what isn’t, students are empowered to take action.

Video description
Aiden must write a paper about a current event and he chooses sexual abuse as his topic. As he learns more about the issue, he begins to suspect that his best friend, Tori, may be experiencing abuse by her coach and needs help.

Scripted presentation and video are 45-60 minutes total.

6th Grade

Program Summary
The concepts of being taken advantage of and of being assertive, online sharing of personal information, touch and the safety rule are repeated, but in a way that speaks to this level of maturity. Students re-examine who are the trusted adults with whom they could talk.

Video description
Behind animated drawings, we hear the voices of two young adults, who are real-life survivors, tell their stories of abuse as pre-teens, how they coped, and finally how they began to recover by seeking help.

Scripted presentation and video are 45-60 minutes total.

5th & 6th Grade

Program Summary

Respect for others is the first and vital step. This program builds empathy by tackling issues such as appreciation of our differences, bullying, cyberbullying, safe bystander intervention, and flirting vs. sexual harassment. 

Video description
This fast-paced line-delivery video will resonate with pre-teens. It describes bullying, sexual harassment, cyberbullying and character assassination. Respect is an essential element in addressing these issues.

Scripted presentation and video are 45-60 minutes total.


Middle School

Program Summary
Whether dating yet or not, our goal with this theme is to help teens assess the characteristics of a relationship, and make deliberate choices as to what kind of relationship they want. All of us learn about intimate relationships from the household in which we’re raised, from other family and friends, and from the media. Yet, with so many destructive relational aspects being portrayed, it may be difficult to know how a healthy relationship should look. This presentation addresses healthy and unhealthy aspects of a relationship, including mutual respect, boundaries, jealousy and control, how to break up, and communication skills. Regardless of what we’ve seen and learned growing up, we can gain the tools to make a conscious decision about the kind of relationship we want.

Video description
This video addresses healthy and unhealthy aspects of a relationship, including mutual respect, boundaries, jealousy, control, and communication skills. 

Scripted presentation and video are 45-60 minutes total.

Middle School

Program Summary
Ever-changing technology will impact this and future generations beyond comprehension. Some teens are engaging in behaviors that have potentially serious consequences. The goal of this program is to educate about the consequences that exist as a result of sexting and cyberbullying. Those consequences can be emotional and/or legal. Although laws vary by state, and will likely continue to change, teens are discouraged from taking an unknown risk. They are encouraged to think BEFORE creating or forwarding anything sexual through electronic means. Sexting and cyberbullying are defined and the roles of bystander, victim and perpetrator are examined. Safe bystander intervention is addressed. 

Video description
Through the use of a video diary, the video further exemplifies the serious impact that engaging in sexting and cyberbullying can have on someone’s life, and the consequences that can arise.

Scripted presentation and video are 45-60 minutes total.

Middle School

Program Summary
This addresses a difficult topic that, unfortunately, affects many individuals, as well as their loved ones. Child sexual abuse is perpetrated upon not only young children, but youth of all ages. In an age-appropriate manner, this presentation addresses using power and control to sexually abuse a minor. It identifies tactics that perpetrators might use to groom an individual, as well as his/her family and community. Many victims of child sexual abuse not only know, but trust and care for the offender. For that reason, most never tell anyone about the abuse. An Abuse of Power empowers individuals to identify tactics and speak out against the abuse. This program emphasizes that a victim is never to blame, why it’s important to report this crime, and that victims can become survivors.

Video description
In an age-appropriate manner, this video addresses how the abuser exerts power and control to sexually abuse a minor. It identifies tactics that someone might use to groom an individual, as well as his/her family and community. 

Fortunately, victims of sexual violence become survivors of sexual violence. The abuse will always be a part of them, but it does not have to define them. There is hope and healing.

Scripted presentation and video are 45-60 minutes total.

High School

Program Summary
Both girls and boys receive mixed messages about sexuality and what is expected of them.  Coercion is oftentimes masked as love.  This presentation examines consent from both an emotional and legal stance.  It calls non-consensual sex just what it is – rape, and the program is thusly named.  It can be perpetrated against either gender, by either gender.  Students are alerted to high-risk behaviors, non-stranger assault, victim blaming and communication.  As always, students are assured that people can and do heal. 

Video description
Sexual boundaries and consent are examined through a story about the impact of non-stranger sexual assault. The scenario deals with victim blaming, the role of alcohol/drugs, positive bystander intervention, and actions to promote recovery and healing.

Scripted presentation and video are 45-60 minutes total.

High School

Program Summary
Research confirms that as many as one in five adolescent females and one in ten adolescent males have been abused physically or sexually by a dating partner. This places them at a higher risk for substance abuse, eating disorders, risky sexual behavior and further domestic violence. Violence is a learned behavior, but with work, can be un-learned.  It typically follows a continuum, accelerating from emotional/verbal abuse in the form of continuous manipulation, humiliation, control, jealousy, obsessive texting, and stalking, to physical and/or sexual violence.  This program’s goal is to alert teens to the signs of dating violence, and encourage them to make a conscious decision about the type of relationship they desire.

Video Description

Through the eyes of an abused teen, this video reflects the signs of escalating dating violence including verbal and physical abuse, and sexual assault.

Scripted presentation and video are 45-60 minutes total.

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